Be On The Lookout for Amazon Prime Day Winner Scams!

Sellers and Amazon Prime members anxiously await Amazon’s Prime Day sale yearly. Sellers profit from the high sales volume, and shoppers benefit from the steep discounts. But they aren’t the only groups to emerge during the Prime Day season. Scammers take advantage of the extra excitement to vamp up their Amazon Prime Day scams.

Scammers expend incredible effort to trick people. This includes posting false customer service lines to online forums and sending massive waves of phishing emails. Once you’ve contacted them, they will go to great lengths to secure payment or personal information.

It is important to note that Amazon does not send unsolicited messages or emails to customers asking for personal information or payment in exchange for a prize. If you receive a message or email claiming to be from Amazon and asking for personal information or payment, do not respond or click on any links. Instead, report the message to Amazon and delete it.

Amazon scams are so common that the Federal Trade Commission found that nearly 1 out of 5 who reported a business impersonation scam said the scammer pretended to be from Amazon.

Amazon Prime Day Winner

The “Amazon Prime Day Winner” scams roll around when Prime Day does. This scam often pretends that the user “won” a MacBook pro or other expensive item. The message could be in the form of a text message, email, or others. Users repeatedly reported the phrase “Congratulations on winning this new (expensive electronic device).” 

Following this news, there will be a link that claims to take you to the website or tracking link. However, clicking on this link directs you to a malware-infected site or a site simply created to steal information like your login credentials or credit card information.

The scammers can use this information to carry out identity theft. With your stolen identity, scammers can open bank accounts, make large unauthorized purchases, and more. Trying to restore your identity and undo the damage scammers wreck on your life is a nightmare. 

Amazon will likely never informally inform a “winner.” Moreover, you are unlikely to be a winner if you never signed up in the first place! Remember the classic phrase, “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” 

If you are unsure about the circumstances of your “win,” contact Amazon customer service directly from Amazon’s website. Do not call Amazon from a number listed anywhere else.

Fake Customer Service 

This transitions us to the Amazon customer service scam. Scammers imitate Amazon customer service to extract sensitive information and make large purchases. Over 65,000 people reported dealing with Amazon impersonators, and over 5,000 reported losing money from these scams. 

These losses added to over $36 million, and the median loss equated to $1,050. Scammers are experienced in their craft, and you should remain vigilant about this scam.

Hackers know that easy targets can contact them instead of the other way around. When you need to contact Amazon customer service, do not simply Google it and call the first number you see. Navigate to your Amazon account, and find the customer service phone number. 

If you receive a call from someone claiming to be Amazon customer service, know that Amazon will never ask you to confirm payment methods or fix payment issues over the phone, text, or email. If these issues do arise, Amazon will collect payment via its app or website. 

Amazon will never ask you to download software, buy gift cards, or confirm payment methods over the phone. If this happens, you are interacting with a scammer. Hang up, compile the information and money you gave them, and decide your next steps. 

Avoid Amazon Emails 

There are countless Amazon scam emails that Amazon customers face every day. The Amazon login attempt scam, the Amazon reviews scam, and the fake Amazon shipment scam are just a few.

These scams are designed to trick you into clicking a link. One common Amazon email scam thanks you for your recent purchase on Amazon Prime Day and invites you to fill out a $50 survey. 

The email includes a link that directs consumers to a fake Amazon website. This website is designed to harvest information like your Amazon username and password. 

The link also downloads malware on your device. Malware, or malicious software, is designed to damage your devices and gain unauthorized access to information. 

If the message seems suspicious or off, don’t open it. Look for misspelled words, poor graphics, and strange email addresses.

Trust your gut. If it looks strange, play it safe. Go to your Amazon account on Amazon’s website instead of clicking the link.

I Fell For An Amazon Prime Day Scam… Now What?

It’s essential to take a step back and recognize you are a victim. Many cybercrime victims feel guilt or shame for “falling” for the scam or phishing attempt. However, it’s important to remember that the cybercriminal is the only person to blame for the crime. 

Gather and remember information on how the scammer lured you, what the scammer asked of you, and what you provided the scammer. File a scam report with The Federal Trade Commission to inform government authorities of the scam.

What and how much information the scammer collected informs your next steps. If the scammer has your credit card information, cancel that card before unauthorized charges can be made. 

If the scammer has your password, immediately update the accounts that used the password. You can also check if your passwords have been breached on the dark web with Agency for free! If you already gave money to the scammer, file fraud complaints with your bank.

Be smart and educated on Amazon Prime Day scams, so you can enjoy the sweet online deals with peace of mind.

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